Meet the CES Team

An amazing team of experts to give you the best support possible!


Membership and Course Support

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Dr. Sarah Ellis Duvall, PT, DPT, CPT, CNC, PCES


Physical Therapist, Certified Personal Trainer


Dr. Sarah Ellis Duvall, PT, DPT, CPT, CNC, PCES

Sarah has rehabbed thousands of women with pelvic floor issues, diastasis recti, SI joint dysfunction, and low back pain. With a doctorate and over 19 years of experience in the health and wellness field, she has both extensive training and experience.

As a mom of 2, she knows personally what it takes to fully recover from having a baby. Her passion lies in helping women be stronger after baby. She currently works with women all over the world and feels strongly that becoming a mother should not rob women of their ability to live life to the fullest.

Along with being a wife and mom, she is also an adventure sports athlete and enjoys rock climbing, kiteboarding, and any sport that tests her physical and mental capabilities.

Anna Hammond
Dr. Anna Hammond, DPT, OCS, PCES


Physical Therapist, Strength/Conditioning Specialist

Dr. Anna Hammond, DPT, OCS, PCES

Anna first came to CES for help with her own pregnancy and childbirth recovery. She immediately found a passion for teaching women to help themselves and others and promote better access to the care and support needed to feel empowered in their bodies again.

Anna has an excellent talent for assessing movement patterns, a love of learning, and brings a puzzle-solving perspective to her whole-body approach. In addition, she greatly values the importance of mindset and happiness in an individual's healing journey and enjoys helping people learn to connect to their bodies.

She has run outpatient orthopedic physical therapy clinics, been a high school strength and conditioning coach, and led women's health and wellness classes for high schoolers and female faculty. She has been a valued member of the CES team since 2016. 

Robin Angus
Robin Angus, PT, Cert. MDT, PCES


Orthopedic and Women's Health Physical Therapist

Robin Angus, PT, Cert. MDT, PCES

Robin joined Core Exercise Solutions’ Inner Circle team in January 2019. Having practiced since 1981, she brings years of experience in women’s health and orthopedics to the Inner Circle, where she mentors and educates PCES course graduates in the application of the theories, exercise progressions, and self-care advice taught in the PCES course. Robin also adds enrichment material based on her study with prominent physical therapy educators in the orthopedic, women’s health, and pelvic floor fields.

Robin completed a post graduate residency program in PNF and earned Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy, Manual Therapy, and Clinical Instructor certifications. She's also a Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist and served as a teaching assistant for Shirley Sahrmann’s Movement System Impairment courses for 20 years.  “I love giving back to the field that has brought me such joy through the years,” she says. “I’ve always enjoyed teaching. Assisting professional courses and mentoring physical therapy students in the clinic as well as the diverse group of professionals in the Inner Circle has been extremely rewarding… and fun!”

Paige Dunmore, BS, PTA, PCES


Physical Therapist Assistant

Paige Dunmore, BS, PTA, PCES
Paige earned her undergraduate degree in Mass Communication and worked as a radio personality before eventually stumbling upon physical therapy due to a running injury. Not long after, she returned to school full-time to become a Physical Therapist Assistant in 2014, just ahead of the birth of her first child. 
Paige has worked in outpatient orthopedics for the last five years, specializing in manual therapy, postpartum exercise rehab, and return-to-running rehab. While she absolutely loved working in the clinic and being hands on, following a very traumatic birth with her second child, she decided to take some time and finally focus on her own rehab so that she could get back to running ultramarathons again! 
Staying home with her two toddlers allowed her the time and space to go after her true passion: pregnancy and postpartum rehab. Paige found Sarah’s Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist certification after experiencing diastasis and prolapse following her second pregnancy. She enrolled in and then graduated from the PCES course in early 2019 and has been practicing what she preaches ever since! Sarah’s programs are the real deal and now that she can run, jump, lift, carry, and live life without fear she is determined to help other women achieve the results they are looking for!
Michelle Wade, PCES


Certified Pilates Instructor

Michelle Wade, PCES

Michelle is a Mom of 2 active boys, a Pilates instructor, a former lacrosse player, and enjoys running/walking with her big double stroller, biking, yoga, etc.

After having two kids (C Section & VBAC), she wanted (needed) to find a prenatal/postnatal training. Her pre-pregnancy exercises were not helping her regain her strength and she knew she needed to focus on rehabbing her core and pelvic floor. After researching various online trainers and programs, she found Sarah’s program and was thoroughly impressed.

Both Sarah's Core Exercise Solutions offerings and her PCES certification are an abundance of information, she has done all of the research, and it enabled Michelle to strengthen herself and help women of all stages of life with all different backgrounds/experiences. She is so thankful for all that Sarah's programs have done for her and she is excited to put her certification to use helping women become strong and thrive.

Jessica Matheson


PCES Graduate and Social Media Assistant

Jessica Matheson

Jessica is a mom of two boys, a former marathoner turned weightlifter and loves all things active. Her favorite time of the day is getting to move!

She found Sarah in 2017 after injuring her pelvic floor and was hooked! She devoured all the information Sarah had to offer and is now a PCES grad!

Jessica’s passion is helping women reach all their goals. She believes in Sarah’s programs and is so excited to continue to help women heal and get strong beyond their wildest dreams!

Behind The Scenes Support

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Keeley Novotny


Administrative Assistant and Member Support

Keeley Novotny

Keeley is Sarah's administrative assistant, helping out with various administrative tasks and answering email inquiries, welcoming new members, and ensuring excellent customer care for all our clients. 

Email her at [email protected] if you have any questions about your account!

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Abby Foster


CES Project and Social Media Manager

Abby Foster

Abby is a former zookeeper and veterinary technician, who is now a stay at home mom to her 4-year-old daughter. 

She worked through Sarah’s programs postpartum to heal her diastasis and pelvic floor issues after not having success with other at-home programs. Sarah’s knowledge and guidance made all the difference! She realized how many women are in need of programs of this caliber and started working for Sarah as a Marketing Assistant.

Her role has evolved a lot since joining the team and she now manages all of companies projects as well as Sarah's social media. She also does anything else Sarah needs help with. 

Rebecca Nichols


Digital Content Assistant

Rebecca Nichols

Rebecca is a stay at home mom of 4 who loves traveling the world, growing things in the ground, everything summer, and a great thrift shop.

After the birth of her 2nd child, she noticed a gap in her abdominal muscles but could never get answers from doctors about what it was or how to fix it. She finally found Sarah's program after the birth of her 4th and began the road to healing. The program changed the way she thinks about her body. and exercise.

Rebecca loves seeing women find strength they didn't know they had and is thrilled to be part of the team.