Pregnant and Postpartum Movement Theory Every Professional Should Know

Get started today with this FREE 3-Part Series.

This course is designed for health/wellness professionals, but we encourage anyone interested in learning more about the pelvic floor and diastasis to sign up.

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Inside the Movement Theory Series

Number 1

Rib Cage Position and Movement

The effects of rib cage spreading during pregnancy
Why we focus so much on rib cage mobility
How the external obliques and intercostals affect pelvic floor pressure
How to improve the diaphragm’s resting position
Pregnant and Postpartum Movement Theory Every Professional Should Know - Video 1
Core and Pelvic Floor Pressure

Core and Pelvic Floor Pressure

How pressure is generated and how to control it
Common pressure related problems
The role breathing plays in pressure regulation
How to balance upper and lower abdominal pressure

Pelvic Alignment

Why we work on pelvic alignment before pelvic floor contractions
The risks of anterior and posterior pelvic tilts
How pelvic positioning in pregnancy can lead to tension and decreased strength
What influence the adductors have on pelvic tilt
Pelvic Alignment
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Pregnant and Postpartum Movement Theory Every Professional Should Know

Get started today with this FREE 3-Part Series.

This course is designed for health/wellness professionals, but we encourage anyone interested in learning more about the pelvic floor and diastasis to sign up.

We don't spam or give your information to any third parties. View our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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