Pelvic Floor and Diastasis: What You Need to Know About Pressure Management

Part 2: Breathing Exercises

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Welcome to Part 2:

Breathing Exercises

In today's video, you'll learn:

Pressure follows the path of least resistance
How to improve rib cage and diaphragm mobility
How to improve intercostal strength
Side-lying breathing drill
"Ha" breathing drill
Modifications to address wide vs narrow ISA

What is the PCES course?

The Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist Course is leading a movement in women's fitness and healthcare. This certification focuses on pregnancy modifications, postpartum timelines, limitations, and special considerations. You will learn proven corrective exercises that progress pregnant or postpartum clients with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (leaks, tightness, and prolapse), Diastasis Recti, SI Joint Pain, and Low Back Pain into high-intensity exercise.

CEUs Available! Up to 34 hours of credit.

Barbara Handschin

"I absolutely LOVE the PCES course. I cannot even describe how much I’ve taken out of it. Sarah is such an amazing, gifted and passionate teacher."

Barbara Handschin, Certified Pilates Instructor

Stacey Schaedler

"The PCES course is HANDS DOWN the best continuing education I have taken in my 15 years in the fitness industry. I legit cannot recommend a course more! The information is applicable to ALL clientele male or female, postpartum or not!"

Stacey Schaedler, CPT

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Bordoni, Bruno, and Fabiola Marelli., et al. Manual evaluation of the diaphragm muscle. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Volume 11, 2016, pp. 1949–1956., doi:10.2147/copd.s111634.

Hodges PW, Heijnen I, Gandevia SC. Postural activity of the diaphragm is reduced in humans when respiratory demands increases. J Physiol 2001;537(3):999-1008

Hankyu Park and Dongwook Han. The effect of the correlation between the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles and diaphragmatic motion during breathing. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2015; 27:2113-2115.

Smith MD, Coppieters MW, Hodges PW Postural response of the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles in women with and without incontinence. Neurourol Urodynam. 2007.26:377-85.