Pelvic Floor and Diastasis: What You Need to Know About Pressure Management
Meet your instructor: Dr. Sarah Duvall, PT, DPT, CPT
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Welcome to Part 1:
What Breathing Should Look Like
In today's video, you'll learn:
What health and fitness professionals are saying:
"As a Physical Therapist and personal trainer, I can tell you that Sarah has created THE BEST training program for women. Hands down!"
Dr. Jill Zimmerman, DPT, CPT, Owner of Perfectly Fit
"I've taken several prenatal/postpartum focused courses in the past year, and the Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist course was by far the best! There is no comparison! Sarah is incredibly in-depth with this course, and I feel like I am by far a better trainer, and postpartum woman, because of this course!"
Gina Conley, CPT, Doula, Owner of MamasteFit
Registration opens on April 15, 2025
Dr. Sarah Ellis Duvall, PT, DPT, CPT, CNC
As a mom of 2, she knows personally what it takes to fully recover from having a baby. Her passion lies in helping women be stronger after baby and training those that help women. She is the creator of several online postpartum recovery programs and currently works with women and professionals all over the world. She feels strongly that becoming a mother should not hold women back from living life to the fullest.
Have any questions?
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