Are you wearing the tightest yoga pants in all the land? You might want to think twice if you are concerned about core and pelvic floor recovery. Many women struggle with complete recovery of their core and pelvic floor after having a baby. There is no time limit on recovery but I find the first …
Pelvic Floor
Pull-ups are hard and quite possibly one of my favorite exercises but they can be dangerous for both a healing diastasis and the pelvic floor! Let me tell you a little bit more about why and what you can do to prevent pullups from doing harm. I’ve definitely heard the story “I tried to do …
Tips for the Pelvic Floor, Hernias and Diastasis During a Pullup Read More »
What is core pressure and why is it important? You hear the term “core pressure” thrown around a lot in the core and pelvic floor recovery world. The reason why is it’s key for complete recovery of both the core and pelvic floor. You must learn how to manage pressure in your core, but what …
Why do a lot of therapists and doctors prescribe kegels for everything pelvic floor related and is it the best approach? Ok, let’s back up with a quick lesson. There are different types of pelvic floor “issues” from weakness to tightness to pain to leaking and prolapse and a lot of them overlap. In the …
Are kegels for a tight pelvic floor a good idea? Read More »
Thinking of the adductors as a continuation of the pelvic floor, a quick analysis of them can tell us a lot about what’s going on in the pelvic floor and the pelvis in general. Why does this matter for parts other than the pelvic floor? Say a diastasis or back pain? Well, I like to …
This morning I read an email that kind of made me mad… not at the person (she is sweet) but the therapist that was giving the advice. Her PT told her prolapse couldn’t heal because it was a connective tissue injury. She said, “once it’s stretched it’s stretched.” Now, let’s take a step back and …
The pelvic floor can be a very personal, sensitive topic, but if handled the right way, it can be life changing for your client. The more you know, the more comfortable and confident you will come across. This gives your client tremendous confidence in discussing it with you. It’s a topic that should be talked …
3 Key Pelvic Floor Questions You Should Ask Every Postpartum Client Read More »
Not all prolapse will heal completely, some will, BUT I do think that with the ones that won’t there is a range of getting it better. What determines whether you’re on the positive or negative side of this range is how much you depend on your muscle (active) support system vs ligaments and fascia (passive) …
The women in my group were raving about these cups, so I had to give it a try. I was soooo excited for the convenience. It seemed awesome, but I wanted to take a closer look at the impact it had on my pelvic floor. Here are my pros and cons: Pros: You really have …
Are Menstrual Cups (Diva Cup, Pixie Cup, Etc) Safe to Use with Pelvic Floor Issues? Read More »
#1 Knowledge is Power The more women know about their pelvic floor, the less symptoms they experience. Knowledge is power. Simply getting in touch with this part of your body can make all the difference. Build awareness and you gain control. #2 Correct Function is Not Forced Being able to relax the pelvic floor and …